Friday, April 30, 2010

le fantastique: feathers!

They are the symbol of Maat, ancient Egyptian goddess of Justice.
In Native North American traditions, feathers hold the spirit of the bird and are highly prized.
Now that explains why I'm so incredibly attracted to them... Peace out, I'm going to explore new places and refresh my soul.

There's something about the sea & me....

One day, I gave myself the mission to create something beautiful that symbolizes a place of great significance to me; I chose the ocean, of course. I have always had a very strong connection to the sea and have been greatly influenced and intrigued by everything beneath the Water surface.

I chose to portray this relationship by creating a piece that not only resembled the creatures of the sea but their connection to me and my search of inner peace.

I present you the outcome:
The coral symbolises the ocean, the sea of life and the subconscious mind. The eel represents the Kundalini Snake, which in turn represents healing and transformation. The stones have been specifically placed upon the chakra points on the coral to show its spiritual significance as well as to show that it too is a living being. The colours of the stones are direct representations of the colours of the human chakras.

I think, mission achieved..... :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Taking a little break from an intense week of photographic creation for my newest mission...
I'm sitting in a place that has moon-view wherever I see, lucky me! The rabbit is dancing... keeps distracting me.
Anyhow, after many hours of becoming vegetarian vamps and burning herbs, Elka, Pluto & Me finally came up with something interesting:


[*In a place where nudibranchs, clams, chitons, limpets, starfishes, urchins and snails live together in harmony and peace. April 2010 *]

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How I met my master

One day I was swimming deep near the coast of Madagascar. Was one of those weird-simple days although there was nothing simple in what I was doing... Anyway, for long hours I just came across lobsters. Not that I have anything against them, but they're a bit lazy and not very sociable creatures, so no one wanted to explore and make fun with me. After a while wondering and having unsuccessful conversations I got to a more isolated place, I was swimming near the sandy ground when I suddenly came across a small family of seaweed and plants. There she was, sliding gentle side to side and smiling to me while I was approaching to her. While I found myself wrapped around her gentle arms, I experienced the most warm, caring and special welcome of my life. It drew my attention that the old wise white-hairy seahorse was wearing similar glasses to some that Mick Jagger wears occasionally. She knows so many things and likes rock 'n roll too.
I stayed with her for a very long time learning countless things about life, space, time, humans, energy, myself, the universe and so on. It was her that introduced into my life one of the most significant things I know today: the majestic flower of life.
I will show you a drawing she made for me and underneath you will find basic information about the Flower of Life. If you want to study it at the deepest, you need to look for it first and then your heart will guide you towards the right places and people [synchronization]. There's always tips if you're a little lost with the search.


The symbol of Sacred Geometry

Everything is made from the Creator's thought. The flower of life is made from the Creator's thought. The flower of life is everything.

Sacred geometry is a visual expression of the connections life merges through all living things, its the architecture of the Universe.

The flower of life can be found in all major religions of the world and contains the patterns of creation as they emerge from the Great Void.

Sacred geometry and the flower of life opens the heart for emotional and physical healing.

¡¡Open Your Heart--Wake Up--Free Your Mind!!

All is manifested in the flower of life, it is the laws and proportions of everything alive and even not alive. It exists for more than 6.000 years. Its limitless.

Susu! this is for you

I'm tripping out on the grass -repeat for me?? YEA-AHHH
... with monkeys. On and inside my head making stories with us.
Where are the monkeys?
The monkeys showed up in a boogy kind of vehicle.
Singing when passed by
a cigarette can fly.

I miss You, Loco Loco, bananas on the rice, tabs on the park, cleaning random flats and endless laughs.

to jimmi-yo-yo

Everything in life is temporary because everything changes all the time. That's why it takes courage to love, knowing it might end any moment but still having the faith it will last forever. But when it does end, having the strength to embrace the pain and be thankful anyway. You had the courage and at the end, thats what really matters! Keep walking jimmi walker :)

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

-Pierre Theilhard de Chardin

Love at first sight

Presenting a short film “TYGER” by Guilherme Marcondes

Guilherme Marcondes, a brazilian filmmaker and animator who specializes in short films.

‘Tyger’ is inspired by William Blake’s poem ‘The tyger’. I love it because of his unique interpretation, mood & visual composition. The shadows he uses and the general aesthetic of the film are great. He chose a lot of symbolism and I like the association he suggests between city-jungle-people-animals. It fascinates me because of the ambiguity the tiger creates by representing as much dangerous as it is marvelous!

The Tyger
by William Blake

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare sieze the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

bits about me...

I’m a wondering traveller and a nature explorer of the Universe. I’ve been to places you can’t even imagine. I have magic powers to go on and about like a rolling stone. I can fly very high, kiss the stars or play in Jupiter. I can swim in the deepest seas and enter the underneath dimensions. I have the ability to communicate with seahorses, which are my masters of the waters. They transmit to me secret information. Except I possess a natural state of being rebellious and naughty so I decided to cheat and share most of it to specific chosen souls that live on planet earth as species called Human Being. They call themselves people, sisters & brothers, buddies and many more that I won’t begin to put in text. Some of them think I’m a mythological creature, some believe I only exist in dreams. Some call me tree, some witch and some fish but fascinatingly enough, most children describe me as the flying colourful light. I love to play with them specially if they’re doing bubbles. And did you know that a cow milks much more if listening to music? I consider that with Time of Pink Floyd approximately seven barrels full ( I can also ascertain you that, amongst others, elf’s, gnome’s, fairy’s, mermaids and unicorns exist.
Wherever I go I take my magic long pipe to smoke my magic herb. It will never run out because it grows in the entire universe, straight produced by the hands of Creation. I also carry little kids of the light, cactuses, vine and a huge variety of leaves; if you could see everything that grows in the Milky Way and in Ecuador. My two mandrake friends, Elka & Pluto, come along wherever I go. Actually, I can't go without them....
My favourite things to do is laughing and making love to my other half in the moon. In the physical world he looks like an octopus. Always wears a colourful vest and an imaginary hat that I’ve put on his head. But he can appear as a cedar tree too, that's when he is far away on the top of a very high mountain. He needs to sit there and relax for a while. Sometimes I go to spy a little but only to see his smile, then I have to go....

He’s a unique, bright, beautiful, peace loving & easy-going entity and I love him in the most special way.

Me, Mandama, comes from the terms creature and lady, since ancient times certain kind of wise people, like Shamans, have believed that I am the playful spirit with a huge ability of healing but very introverted and solitary. I'm an artist too. Creation is my motif, music my best friend and mysticism my way.

My dreams are my reality & I'm always ready for a hug.